Understanding Bad Breath (Halitosis)

by | Oct 13, 2023 | Bad Breath

understanding bad breath halitosisBad breath can be embarrassing and problematic. How do you get rid of it? What causes it even after brushing? How can you tell if you have it?

This comprehensive guide will help you understand, identify, and treat bad breath effectively.

What is Halitosis?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common problem affecting up to half the population.

It can significantly impact self-esteem and social interactions, causing isolation and decreased quality of life.

Sometimes, bad breath may indicate a more serious underlying health issue.

Impact of Bad Breath

  • Social and Personal Isolation: Bad breath can make social interactions awkward, leading to isolation.
  • Confidence Issues: According to a survey, 71% of people feel bad breath lowers confidence.
  • Dating and Relationships: A study by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) found that 83% of people consider bad breath a significant turn-off on a first date.

We know that having fresh breath is essential to your general health. We are here to help you eliminate bad breath and improve oral health.

Signs and Symptoms of Bad Breath

If you’re unsure whether you have bad breath, here are four easy ways to check:

How to Know If You Have Bad Breath

  1. Ask a Trusted Person: The easiest way is to ask someone you trust who has a good sense of smell.
  2. Wrist Test: Lick your wrist, let it dry, and then smell it.
  3. Smell Your Dental Floss: After flossing, smell the floss.
  4. Tongue Scraper: Use a tongue scraper and smell it after use.

If you’re still uncertain, visit your Seven Hills dentist for a professional assessment.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath is not cured, as it depends on the cause. Here are some common causes:

Dietary and Lifestyle Factors

  • Strong Smelling Foods and Drinks: Garlic, onions, and coffee can cause bad breath.
  • Fasting or Dieting: Crash diets can release ketones, which cause bad breath.
  • Alcohol and Smoking: Both can dry out the mouth and contribute to bad breath.

Oral Hygiene

  • Poor Oral Care: Bad breath can result from food particles in the mouth after improper brushing and flossing.
  • Dental Appliances: Dentures that aren’t appropriately cleaned can trap odor-causing bacteria.

Medical Conditions

  • Dry Mouth: Caused by dehydration, certain medicines, and mouth breathing.
  • Infections: Throat infections, tonsillitis, and gum disease can cause bad breath.
  • Medical Conditions: Conditions like acid reflux and some respiratory infections.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

The underlying reason for bad breath determines how to treat it.

Here are some steps to eliminate bad breath at home and with professional help.

Home Remedies

  1. Brush and Floss Regularly: Brush two times a day and floss once daily.
  2. Clean Dentures: If you wear dentures, clean them properly every night.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Make sure to stay hydrated, especially after meals.
  4. Watch Your Diet: Avoid foods that cause bad breath.
  5. Replace Your Toothbrush: Change your toothbrush every three months.
  6. Use a Tongue Scraper: Scrape your tongue daily to remove bacteria.
  7. Mouth Rinse: Use an alcohol-free mouthwash to freshen your breath.
  8. Chew Fragrant Spices: Spices like cloves and fennel seeds have antiseptic qualities.
  9. Eat Citrus Fruits: They stimulate saliva production and fight bad breath.
  10. Chew Fresh Herbs: Chewing parsley, mint, or cilantro can help freshen your breath.

Professional Dental Care

Regular professional dental cleanings are crucial to eliminating plaque and tartar buildup. 

Here’s what your dentist can do to help:

  • Dental Cleanings: Regular cleanings remove tartar that causes bad breath.
  • Treat Dental Issues: Fillings for cavities, treatment for gum disease, and addressing infections.
  • Oral Hygiene Guidance: Learn proper brushing and flossing techniques from your dentist.
  • Specialist Referrals: Your dentist can refer you to a specialist for issues like tonsil stones or acid reflux.

We recommend visiting us every six months to maintain a healthy oral environment and keep your mouth free from bacteria and odour.

Bad Breath Treatment in Seven Hills

Don’t let bad breath hold you back. Take control of your oral health today!

At My Local Dentists Seven Hills, our treatments and services are 100% personalised and tailored to you and your situation.

Our dentists are highly motivated and professionally accredited practitioners from Australian universities. As with our dentists, the supporting staff are highly dedicated and experienced in guaranteeing that each visit with us is as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

No Gap Check-up and Cleans 

GAP FREE Check and Cleans on WEEKDAYS for all patients with eligible dental coverage on their private health insurance. Patients must bring a physical or digital health fund card on the day of treatment to be eligible.


Call us at (02) 8605 1696 or schedule an appointment online.

We are at Shop 55, (Ground Floor) Seven Hills Plaza, 224 Prospect Hwy, in Seven Hills.