What can you do about sensitive teeth?

by | Jun 13, 2024 | Sensitive Teeth Treatment

what can you do about sensitive teeth

Do you suffer from sensitive teeth when having ice cream or cold drinks? Perhaps even a light breeze or brushing your teeth feels uncomfortably sharp?

You’re not alone—sensitive teeth are a common issue affecting many people.

But what causes this discomfort, and how can you manage it effectively?

The Reality of Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth may greatly impact your quality of life. According to recent Australian research, 44% of households have someone dealing with sensitive teeth or gums. The issue predominantly affects women, particularly those aged 30 to 49. Despite its prevalence, many people suffering from sensitive teeth don’t seek help from their dentist, potentially prolonging their discomfort.

Understanding tooth sensitivity’s root causes is essential for prevention and effective management. Let’s delve into why teeth become sensitive and what steps you can take to alleviate and prevent the issue.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Teeth sensitivity often arises when the dentine—the layer beneath the enamel—is exposed.

Here’s a breakdown of the tooth’s structure and how sensitivity develops:

  1. Tooth Structure: Teeth consist of three main parts:
    • Enamel: The tooth’s hard outer layer of protection.
    • Dentine: The inner layer beneath the enamel.
    • Pulp: The innermost part containing nerves.
  2. Dentine Exposure: The dentine has microscopic tubules that can connect the external environment directly to the nerve inside the tooth. These tubules become visible as the gums recede or the enamel peels off, which causes discomfort.

Common Causes of Dentine Exposure Include:

  • Worn Enamel: Enamel can be eroded by overbrushing or using a toothbrush with harsh bristles. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and consider switching to an electric toothbrush with a pressure sensor to avoid excessive brushing force.
  • Tooth Erosion: Acidic foods and drinks like citrus fruits, vinegar, and carbonated beverages can erode enamel. To mitigate this, drink water after consuming acidic foods and limit their intake. If acid reflux is a factor, consult a medical professional.
  • Tooth Decay and Damaged Fillings: Cavities and damaged fillings can expose the dentine. Frequent dental examinations can assist in addressing these problems before they become sensitive.
  • Gum Recession: Plaque build-up and aggressive brushing can cause gums to recede, exposing the tooth root. Brush gently along the gumline and use dental floss to remove plaque.
  • Teeth Grinding: Nighttime grinding can wear down teeth and cause sensitivity. Damage to your teeth can be prevented with a personalised night guard.

Managing Sensitive Teeth: What Can You Do?

Addressing sensitive teeth involves a combination of preventive measures and treatments.

Here’s how you can manage and reduce sensitivity:

  1. Choose the Right Toothbrush: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid further enamel wear and gum irritation. Brushing gently is crucial; think of it as a massage rather than a scrub.
  2. Adjust Your Brushing Technique: Brush along the gumline carefully and avoid aggressive brushing. An electronic toothbrush with a pressure sensor is one tool to help control brushing force.
  3. Minimise Acidic Food and Drinks: Limit your consumption of acidic substances and drink water to wash away acids. If you experience sensitivity due to acid reflux, seek medical advice.
  4. Regular Dental Visits: Ensure that your fillings are intact and your teeth are free from decay. Frequent dental exams can aid in the early detection of issues.
  5. Protect Your Gums: Gum recession can be avoided by practising regular oral hygiene, which also helps to prevent gum disease. Floss daily and avoid hard brushing.
  6. Consider Professional Treatments: Consult your dentist if sensitivity persists despite home care. They could suggest gum grafting or dental sealants as treatments in severe cases.
  7. Desensitising Toothpaste: Your dentist can suggest effective desensitising toothpaste. While specific products aren’t highlighted here, ask your dentist for recommendations that are suitable for your needs.
  8. Custom Solutions: For persistent issues, your dentist might recommend tailored solutions such as dental fillings or crowns to protect exposed dentine.

Sensitive Teeth Treatment in Seven Hills

Sensitive teeth don’t have to control your life. You can manage and alleviate this discomfort by understanding the causes and implementing practical solutions. If you’re struggling with sensitive teeth, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for personalised advice and treatment options.

Contact your Seven Hills dentist today for more guidance on managing sensitive teeth and improving dental health. We’re here to help you achieve a beautiful, comfortable, pain-free smile.

At My Local Dentists Seven Hills, we prioritise your oral well-being.

Call us at (02) 8605 1696 or schedule an appointment online.

We are located at Shop 55, (Ground Floor) Seven Hills Plaza, 224 Prospect Hwy, in Seven Hills.

Disclaimer: The information on this website should NOT be used as a substitute for the medical or dental advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed dentist, doctor, or oth